Length of Study: 3 semesters

Form of Study: Full time

The Master’s degree programme in Special Education is designed primarily for people who have some knowledge and interest in the subject or work with children with special educational needs in nurseries, pre-schools, public schools or other institutions.

The MA programme aims at providing further in-depth expertise in the field of special education. It will enhance the students’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills and develop their pedagogical, special education and social competences. In the course of study the students will acquire all the necessary skills and competences, needed for professionals who are to successfully provide quality care and special therapeutic and other trainings and activities for children with special educational needs in nurseries, pre-schools, primary schools, lower secondary and upper secondary schools.

Terms of admission

The prospective candidates for this MA programme are expected to meet the following requirements:

They must have graduated from one of the Bachelor’s degree programmes in educational sciences (for teachers, special teachers, etc.) offered at Sofia University or another higher education institution.

The candidates are ranked and accepted on the basis of the average grade from their Bachelor’s degree.


Professional Realization

The Master’s program enables graduates   to acquire the following qualifications:

  • Special educator (resource teacher) in pre-school for children with special educational needs;
  • Special educator in the early stages of training;
  • Special educator in lower secondary education;
  • Special educator to work in a high school education;
  • Special educator in daycare centers;
  • Special educator working in a sheltered housing;
  • Special educator to work with children with significant disabilities in nursing homes;
  • Special educator to work with children with autistic spectrum;
  • Special educator to work with children with slight combined disabilities.


 Head of the programme: Assoc. prof. Anna Trosheva, PhD, trosheva@uni-sofia.bg

Administrative officer: Valentina Eduard, v.eduard@fppse.uni-sofia.bg