Implementation of the European Mediacoach Initiative in Bulgaria

A chapter from the book “Media Coach – How to become a media literacy coach”, edited by Paolo Celot, President of the European Association for Viewers Interests
This study, part of an international project aimed at enhancing the overall level of media literacy formation in a few countries of Europe, discusses the Bulgarian experience related to the design of a model for sustainable development in the field. The research includes analysis of some key parameters, such as media landscape, social and demographic characteristics and education, needed for the design and implementation of а training program capable of supporting the effective application of such a model.
The “Media Coach- How to become a media literacy coach” book provides specific information about the project results and achievements. In the chapters of this book, readers can find information on the three-year-long experience in forming 100 media literacy coaches in each of the following countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, and Romania. Through the book, the partners report on the different experiences of replicating the excellent practice that was first established in the Netherlands by the Nationale Academie Voor Media.
In general, the book constitutes a valuable resource for anyone interested in the European Media Coach Initiative and its achievements. It provides an interesting theoretical and methodological approach on the broader topic of media literacy and specifically on the implementation of the EMCI project. Furthermore, the book adequately discusses all the steps that the partner organizations of the European Media Coach Initiative followed for the development and implementation of trainingthe in the respective national contexts.
In conclusion, the EMCI book is intended to inspire others through its various chapters as a valuable contribution to the enrichment of media literacy programs throughout Europe and beyond.