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Author Guidelines

Preparing manuscripts for publication

The author (or one of the authors) registers on the journal platform and, if already registered, logs in with the respective username and password. By registering with the journal, the author confirms his/her obligation to abide by the ethical rules of the journal.

To be considered for publication, the author must upload the following documents:

  1. The name of the author's file should contain/compiles the forename and the surname of the author, for example: IvanPetrov-text-FNOI-ESS.
  2. Anonymous article file. The name of the anonymous file is formed in the same way, but the author's names are replaced with the word, for example: ANONIM-text-FNOI-ES. This file should not contain any personal information about the author or any data suggesting authorship.
  3. File with scanned authorship declaration, see.
  4. Files with diagrams, figures, etc., in the original program with which they were created. If there are more than two files, it is more appropriate to send them to the journal's e-mail address:

Manuscripts may be submitted in Bulgarian or English.

Volume and formatting of text

Recommended length of the manuscript - up to 25 000 characters, including spaces between characters. Recommended abstract length - 100-150 words.

The use of bold, specific formatting of the text in terms of underlining, tabbing, use of bullets, etc. is not recommended. Tabs are allowed only when formatting tables. A new line is entered with Enter.

The manuscript shall be sent in .doc or .docx format, and shall be paginated in Word with: Paper Size - A4; Page Setup - Top: 2,5 cm, Bottom: 2,5 cm, Left: 2,5 cm, Right: 2,5 cm; Font - Times New Roman, 12 pt, Justify; Line Spacing - 1,5 lines; First Line: 1,5 cm.

The figures (diagrams, illustrations) and their captions are presented separately in an additional file/files in addition to the main text. However, when the size of the figures is large and it is not possible to include them in the main text, their place in the text must be indicated - Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.  Tables should be in .xls or .xls format and diagrams, illustrations, schematics, figures, photographs, etc. in .jpg or .tiff format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.


Manuscript structure

Title of the article (without abbreviations or acronys)

Name(s) of the author(s) without their academic degrees and titles (if any);

Abstract that clearly presents the subject of the research, with emphasis on the new scientific results obtained

Keywords 3 - 7 in Bulgarian and English

Full text

Acknowledgements; appendices (if any)

References - if in Cyrillic, with Latin transliteration or translation added where there is an approved translation of the source

Information about the author(s) with their academic positions, names of schools or scientific organizations, ID number from personal registration in scientific databases (Publons, ORCID, RINC) - if available, business postal and e-mail address, telephone number - in Bulgarian and English.



 In-text citations should be made in Latin, e.g. (Tsvetkova, 2013) for a general reference and (Tsvetkova, 2013: 53) for an exact citation with quotation marks. In the event that the quotation is longer than 40 words, it is formatted as a block quotation (indented on both sides, 11 point font, italics).



 The bibliography, containing the list of referenced sources shall be in APA style (see Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association), which is widely used in the social sciences and humanities. Information is also available at:


Single-author book:

Tsvetkova, M. (2013) Citation: standard and style. Sofia: Biblioskop.

Todorov, C. (2013) On human diversity: nationalism, racism, and exoticism in French thought. Cambridge, Mass etc.: Harvard Univ. Press.

Book with two or more authors:

Ilchev, I., Mitev, P. & Kuseva, M. (2003) Touching America: nineteenth-early nineteenth century. The twentieth century. Sofia : Fund. Hemimont [Ilchev, I, Mitev, P. & Kuseva, M. (2003) Dokosvania do Amerika: 19 - nach. na 20 v. Sofia: Fond. Hemimont]

Article in a collection or chapter of an edited book:

Sapundzhieva, K. (2015) Fragments of the biography of postmodern man. In: Gradev, D. (Ed.) The Others in the Biography of the Personality (pp. 134-172) Sofia: University Press "Sv. [Sapundzhieva, K. (2015) Fragmenti ot biografiyata na postmodernia chovek. In.

Jensen, J. (2011) Understandings of Danish Pedagogical Practice. In. & P. Moss (Eds.) Social Pedagogy and Working with Children and Young People. (pp. 141-158) London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Research journal article:

Georgieva, O. (2010) Developing critical thinking through literary education. Pedagogy, 3, 36-42.

Kim, W. Y., & Snider, W. D. (2008). Neuroscience: Overcoming inhibitions. science, 322(5903), 869-872.

When more than one citation of sources by the same author [or the same group of authors listed in the same sequence] is made, citations are made chronologically, by year of publication, and sources published in the same year are listed alphabetically by book, article, or chapter title. The year is foloowed by a lower case Latin letter: a, b, c.


Procedures when preparing articles for publication

After the review of the submitted article by the Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor, the author is notified whether all the documents follow the requirements and whether there is any correction needed on the anonymous file. If the article does not meet the ethical standards of the journal, it will not be reviewed and will be rejected.

Articles are peer-reviewed by independent reviewers who receive the anonymous file and evaluate the manuscript. The author and reviewers remain anonymous to each other (double-blind).

The Managing Editor summarises the reviews and informs the author of the editorial decision to publish, edit or reject the manuscript. If it requires editing the text, the author must comply with the recommendation within the specified time period or withdraw his/her article, in both cases informing the editors of the decision.

Articles accepted for publication are subject to stylistic editing and proofreading, and the abstract and author details are translated into English.

Before publication, the author receives confirmation of the final form of the text.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.