About the Journal
The Special Education and Speech&Language Therapy Journal (SESLT) is a online Bulgarian academic journal (online ISSN 2683-1384) intended to present advances in science, science-related news and exchange of experience in the fields of education, teaching and training, rehabilitation, therapy and inclusion of individuals with special educational needs and/or communication disorders. This journal is a successor of the print media ‘Journal of Special Education & Speech-Language Therapy’ (ISSN 2367-7821 print) and ‘Journal of Special Education’ (ISSN 1310-7003).
The journal is published by the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, the Faculty of Educational Studies and the Arts (FESA), Departments of Special Education and Speech&Language Therapy. It is published in digital format and is identified by an ISSN. Its publication frequency is two issues per year. The journal publishes original scholarly research articles and studies, announcements, reports on practical experience findings, reviews and commentaries. Authors are charged with no publication fee. The scholarly articles and studies are subject to approval through a double-blind peer review system. The rest of the publications are approved by virtue of a relevant decision of the journal’s Editor-in-Chief and the relevant editors in charge of the particular journal issue.
The journal is refereed, indexed and listed in the following international databases: